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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Adding image

Hey! In this post you will learn about how to insert a pretty image in your HTML webpage
Here comes the Trickk
Use <img> tag to adding image to your webpage and use "src " keyword to give address URL.
URL is nothing but the path where your image is stored.
<img src="image.gif" alt="" border="1">
Where alt and border are optional keywords to give extra effects to the properties of the image you are inserting.
Try IT!!
Then i will Tell you about more Image Attributes and style keyword.
ANY Doubts HIT comment box.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

More about Tags

Hey guys hope you learn something about tags in HTML and how to use them.
In this post you learn to make simple webpage, if you were not able to understand in previous posts you will definitely understand in this post.
so, everybody had a Head and a Body
there is same thing in HTML document it has a head and a body, here is simple program.
<!doctype html>
This is a Title of the page
This is body element
<p>this is a paragraph
you write this into your notepad or notepad++ program try to understand how to close and open tags.
where <p> is used for assigning a new paragraph.
<title> this is the title of the webpage which will appear on the browser tab.
Enough in this post, in next post i will tell about heading tags in HTML.
i am trying to make and upload video tutorials soon that will help you very much.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Hello guys,
Hope you learn something basic about Html
Let's learn something more interesting about it.Today we will learn about HTML tags which we used in our program!!
<!doctype html>: it is a formal tag which is used in HTML it is only to tell browser that the document which it is using is of type HTML.
<html>: it is a tag to embed html document or stating of the html document
<head>  defines head element of the HTML document
<Title> this is to attach a title to the document and it will appear on browser Tab.
<body> this tag is used to attach body of the HTML element.
<p> used to enter a paragraph in body.
</body>: these are all closing tags.
Rule:the tags should be closed in order that, the tag which is opened last will be closed first.
Enough for this post try to remember all tags and do practice to make a sample webpage using these tags.
then we will go to another level.
Any doubts HIT!! to comment box.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

HTML-Hyper Text Markup Language
used to make skeleton of the webpage and the most interesting and powerful language that can be used to make your qwn website.
Let's start with the first program
Program:Hello World
As in other languages they have a proper syntax HTML also have syntax and it is TAGS in it.
HTML is contain of many tags which can do the corresponding operations
For running a HTML program you only need a NOTEPAD.

  1. open notepad.
  2. type the code
  3. <!Doctype html>
  4. <!--this is a comment do not write it in your program it's only to explain you >
  5. <head>
  6. <title>
  7. <!--every program have a title which will appear on the tab of the browser when you open that file>
  8. write title here
  9. </title><!--this is closing tag>
  10. <body>
  11. <!--content goes here>Hello world!!
  12. </body>
Now save this code anywhere in .html or .htm extension
after then double click to open it your browser will detect the extension .htm or .html and open it
Wow!! you have done your first program.
It seems not good so for designing it and make it Awesome i will tell you how to make it better.
But this is the first step you have taken to HTML, so try well and Happy Coding.
If you have any doubts just put a comment.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Introduction to HTML

Why we want to learn HTML??
This question arises in every mind that what is need to learn html, what it can do for us.
But the answer is we are living in a surround for example applications we use, do transactions and other hobbies such as music and videos. And everything is online today and every web service has a skeleton with HTML.
so it is must to understand HTML if we want to interpret with these things. Most of you have dream to build your own website.And when you learn HTML you will be ready go with it.
so here i am telling you how to make your own website by using HTML.
If you want to learn HTML nicely and softly be regular the posts and do practice of that.
In next post i will start HTML course so be with me.